Thursday, November 26, 2009

Who does not want happy family life??

- How do you teach your children, but all members of your family to maintain family ties ?Overlooked by many of us are now under the pressure of life, and in defiance age, which add character to break these links? You declare a state of emergency, allegedly members of your family now and in a way that the speed will be holding an emergency meeting:

- Promised: throughout the day. - Today: holiday week. - Location: the family home. - Attendance: All members of the family - grandfather and grandmother, father and mother, son and daughter, grandson and granddaughter, uncle and aunt, uncle and aunt. - Chairman of the meeting: Grandpa and Grandma, and the rest of the audience members. - And you have to explain this Declaration Important note: "We regret not to accept excuses for failure to attend this emergency meeting, whatever the reasons or justifications be made by." - Topics to be discussed: One main topic: "Family Tree" I can aid you in the implementation steps, so that they are fully prepared prior to the convening of this meeting and to ensure its success. - Steps to the work of the family tree: 1 - processing of the following tools: - An adhesive. - Registry. - Cardboard with different colors: - White (background). - Brown (of the trunk of the tree). - Green (for leaves), or use a variety of other colors. 2 - Determining the functions of each member of the family members: A - grandma and grandpa: Draw the entire tree trunk and leaves the number of family members. B - the father and mother: cutting the number of tree leaves family members. C - Children: writing names on each sheet of such securities (whether green or different colors). D - grandchildren: Paste the tree leaves in place the assistance of children. E - uncles: Write the name of the family and decorating them. And - Finally, the participation of all members of the family in its commentary. 3 - Minutes of the meeting for the codification of what has been delicious at this meeting with the signing of all members of the family it .. So that the memory and even a fact that should exist between all families. Not deserve extended family to spend some time with them away from the worries of life and its problems .. But you raised your children so your children and family ties. 4 - adjourned the meeting ... Until the call to be held again every week!!

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